Sunday, July 17, 2011

Roses Respond

I have grown roses for most of the 38 years that we have lived on this farm. I had roses here before I knew what Japanese beetles were. After their initial invasion I gave up on the roses and lost most of them. In the past couple of years I have added a few of the English roses that were supposed to be more care free. But the truth is there is no such thing.

After the rainly spring that we had there was some black spot showing up and then the annual arrival of the dreaded beetles.

About two weeks ago I deceided that if I were to get to enjoy any roses at all I would have to resume some preventive measures. And the roses have responded.

Even 'Peace' that has been here for more years than I can recall is blooming again. Notice that there is a daylily planted to its left, what you can't see is that there is another one to its right. I had given this rose up for dead. It still doesn't have the strongest canes but its will to survive and beautify its place in the garden is stll there.

1 comment:

  1. I know just how you feel. I have been fighting blackspot on my roses this year too because of the rainy spring. I kept up a constant application of fungicide on them and the phlox that wanted to get powdery mildew. I think the beetles are winning in my garden though. Nasty little buggers.I love the peach rose and I am glad your roses are coming out of it.
